Water your plants from old brewery De Weeze
Filling the children's pool with water that beer was once brewed with? Verstraete.team is pumping away the excess groundwater during the construction of 17 new apartments on the site of the former 'De Weeze' brewery. Anyone can get it for free.
Water is more and more a precious commodity and we realize that! At our yard De Brouwery along the Rumbeeksesteenweg we show our most environmentally conscious side. On our site where the empty brewery of the Peene family was located until the summer of 2019, we have started the realization of a new construction project, which is accompanied by well dewatering.

The water container is continuously monitored and the water is also vented. We see this as an investment in the future, in a better environment. The container will remain at our yard for four months and anyone who wants it can come and tap water for free.
In figures
investment: 10,000 euros
container content: 30 cubic water
water pumped daily: 192 cubic water
after 150 days: 1000 containers good for 28,000 cubic water

The water that we pump out of the ground during construction projects used to be discharged into the sewer and then went to the sea. But groundwater is a precious resource that we must use wisely.
Alderman Marc Vanwalleghem (CD&V) came to see the initiative with his own eyes at the yard and is full of praise. The city has a drought plan and tries to reuse the water from well dewatering as much as possible to irrigate public green areas, among other things.
Our past with the site
Another nice detail is the special bond that Verstraete.team has with the site where we are offering dewatering water for reuse for the first time. Leonard Verstraete (1860-1946), founder of our company, was related to both the Peene family and the Vandenberghe family. In addition, in 1890 he built his first home just next to the brewery, the current café Tijl. He may have been a contractor, but at that time there was no weather delay. In the winter he therefore earned his living as an innkeeper of the nearest pub to the brewery.